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[Job-Vacancy] Fw: Vacancy Pastry Chef at Losari Spa Retreat & Coffee Plantation

From: LCP - Chief Accountant []

Sent: 20 Januari 2010 16:45
Subject: Vacancy Pastry Chef at Losari Spa Retreat & Coffee Plantation



LOSARI SPA RETREAT & COFFEE PLANTATION, formerly Losari Coffee Plantation Resort & Spa is inviting for the qualified candidates to fill the following vacant position:



Must be able to speak and write in English , must come from a 5 Star International Hotel background , need to have a very good knowledge of modern Plated Desserts , baked items such as Croissant , Danish , Western style Breads etc., experience in modern style Cakes and French Pastries and Entrements , Must be able to live in a remote location .,

For those who are interested, may submit the Application Letter + CV to: 


PO BOX 108 Magelang 56100 Jawa Tengah

By latest January 30, 2010


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